At Heaven's edge. Visions

At Heaven's edge. Visions

11 November 2023 up to 1 April 2024

At Heaven's edge. Visions combines ancient religious art, medieval manuscripts and testimonies of visionaries from churches and monasteries with contemporary multimedia installations, wedding dresses, perfumes and paintings by leading female artists from the Netherlands and abroad. They each approach the theme of vision in their own way - sometimes subdued, other times exuberant. From profound installations which encourage self-reflection, to scent experiences and film clips to make you shiver and smile.

How Is Your Own DeathSo Inconceivable (detail). Emma Talbot, 2019. Artist collection - Galerie Onrust Amsterdam. Photo by Peter Cox

The exhibition At Heaven's edge. Visions​ depicts how visionaries have given life a perspective for centuries. From Hildegard von Bingen, Bridget of Sweden and Teresa of Avila, to Madge Gill and Sister Gertrude Morgan. In testimonies and illustrations - both hopeful and timeless - the need and longing for a future, the prospect of a dream, ambition and accomplishment is integral to the search for meaning, purpose and destiny in life.

The Universe (miniature from the Scivias), ca. 1170-1933. Hildegard of Bingen.

50th Anniversary of Museum Krona

Museum Krona celebrates its 50th anniversary in the year 2023-2024. Through the exhibition At Heaven's edge. Visions, we return to the source of the abbey complex - which is part of the museum - through the works of Bridget of Sweden, searching for a meaningful connection to the present. The museum is located in an old monastery in Uden, and is the only museum in the Netherlands connected to a living monastic community, as most of the abbey complex is inhabited by sisters Bridgettines. This contemplative order originated in Sweden and was founded by Bridget of Sweden (1303–1373), a medieval, influential and socially engaged mystic, who herself received 700 visions.

Birgitta writes to her Revelationes. Peter Danielsson, 1457. Collection of Museum Krona

Medieval Visionaries | Hildegard von Bingen, Christina the Miracle, Lutgard of Tongeren, Bridget of Sweden, Catharina of Siena, Joan of Arc, Theresa of Avila. 

Participating artists | Josefina Anjou, Marrie Bot (collection Museum Krona), Elspeth Diederix, Alexandra Drenth, Doina Kraal & Roger Cremers, Atousa Bandeh Ghiasabadi, Madge Gill, Pauline Curnier Jardin, Natasja Kensmil (collection Museum Krona), KateÅ™ina Gabriel Konarovská, Birthe Leemeijer, Fiona Lutjenhuis (commission), Sister Gertrude Morgan, Daniela Ortez, Natalia Ossef, Femmy Otten, Ulrike Rehm, Jamilah Sabur, Buhlebezwe Siwani, Georgina Starr, Emma Talbot, Suzanne Treister, Esther Pearl Watson, Manon Wertenbroek, Jessica Marlieke, Famke van Wijk.

Curators team | Hanne Hagenaars, Gijs Assmann, Wouter Prins, Johanneke Uphoff.

Funds | Mondriaanfonds, Fonds21, Prins Bernhard Cultuurfonds.

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